How to Launch a Metaverse Church in 3 Days Webinar
Hosted by D.J. Soto, Pastor of Virtual Reality Church
Thursday, February 10, 1 pm EST
DJ Soto
A church that exists entirely in the metaverse. -
Jate Earhart
A church on Twitch. -
Jason Poling
Cornerstone VR
A physical church that launched a metaverse campus.
Sponsor / META
The metaverse is the next evolution of social connection. Our company’s vision is to help bring the metaverse to life, so we are changing our name to reflect our commitment to this future.
Helping to create new Biblically-solid Churches in Phygital, Digital, and Meta Spaces.
Digivangelism helps progressive leaders of spiritual leaders share hope, healing, and light online.
Webinar Topics
How did VR church start? Hear the story of VR Church, how it got started, challenges along the way, and what we learned on our journey. Get a framework for the possibilities.
How do I start a metaverse ministry? Information is swirling and we’ll help you focus on the best current metaverse platforms. We’ll give you a tour, do a crash course on setting up your own world, and help you learn about moderating events.
What if my church leaders are struggling with the theological implications? This will be a tough one, but we’ll dive into the theological hesitations of many church leaders. We’ll discuss how the church has been at the forefront of technology throughout church history, and we’ll empower you to boldly move forward into the future.