Metaverse Elders & Pastors
Elder, Bishop DJ Soto
D.J. Soto began preaching in the metaverse in 2016, inspired to share God’s love through new technology. Initially planning to plant physical churches, he embraced a vision for metaverse churches. Now, as Bishop of Virtual Reality Church and MMO Church, he leads radically inclusive, futuristic expressions of faith, continuing Christianity’s tradition of adapting to new media.
Elder, Pastor Alina
Alina, a former flight attendant and avid skydiver, became disabled 10 years ago due to autoimmune conditions and a rare disorder called Erythromelalgia, which keeps her homebound most of the time. Now a pastor at VR Church, she has founded a charity that provides VR headsets to those in need. Married to a loving husband, Alina cherishes her VR family, saying she’s never experienced as much love as she does today.
Elder, Pastor Koko
Koko (Aleatha Singleton), pastor of MMO Church in Final Fantasy 14, is from Southeast Texas. An author and consultant for VR teams, she mentors UX professionals to help create immersive, user-friendly experiences. In her free time, she enjoys gaming, designing furniture, and studying Japanese.
Elder, Pastor Kari
Kari, with a BA in Bible and a passion for missions, has spent the past decade studying natural health and holistic healing. She enjoys documenting VR Church, studying nutrition, and exploring new places with her husband, Pastor DJ, and their five kids.
Pastor Bismik
Bismik is a youth pastor from Germany, a trained historian and philosopher (both a masters degree), a doctoral candidate, and a metal band singer. At the age of 17, he experienced Jesus' saving power, which since then has become the anchor and goal of his life. His favorite VR game is Iron Wolf, because of his favorite movie "U96". His favourite beer is the good old franconian "Huppendorfer"